How does a Tele-MasterMind group work?
It is simply a telephone conference call, where MM group members and the leader will dial into the same telephone number, known as a bridge line, at the same time.
No special equipment is needed. This is why tele-masterminding is so intuitively attractive. It is the most efficient medium for virtual involvement. From the comfort and convenience of your own home, you will interact with exceptional peers.
Its as simple as picking up your phone and dialing your neighbor! Prior to your MM meeting, your leader will email to you the bridge number for your class. Since MM participants will live in different parts of the country (and the world!), the meeting time will always be described in Eastern Standard Time. You will have to adjust your schedule to be calling in at the correct time, depending upon your time zone.
When you dial that bridge number you will hear one or two rings, and immediately you're 'in' class. The instructor will say something like, "Hi, this is Don, welcome to masterminding, who just joined the call?" This welcoming pattern will make sure you know you're at the right place and time, and it allows the leader to take roll. The process will begin moving along within the first few minutes of the call. It's important that you make every effort to join the call on the hour.
Are there any hidden costs? All participants incur a standard long-distance toll to dial into the bridge. For most U.S residents, each call may cost you approximately $4-$6/hour. You may want to check with your long distance carrier for your rates at the scheduled class times. There are no added teleconferencing charges of any kind--just the regular long distance charge to join the bridge line.
1. Schedule one full hour of uninterrupted time to participate in the call. You'll be much more 'present' if your mind and body can relax and focus.
2. Create a special place for yourself. (This is not a good time to fold the laundry or pay the bills!)
3. Use your telephone mute button if available. Background noise, dogs barking, TV noise, etc. can be a distraction for everyone on the call. If you don't have a mute button, not to worry, just call from a very quiet location.
4. If you have a 'call-waiting' feature on your line, please disable it before dialing in to the call by dialing *70. After you hang up, your call-waiting feature automatically resumes.
5. Please DO NOT USE SPEAKERPHONES. Speakerphones are wonderful inventions, but the clarity and quality simply isn't good enough when broadcasting to a larger group.
6. Your leader may ask for you to share or respond throughout the call. To manage a group who cannot 'clue' into each other visually, please wait with comments until you've been prompted with a question, or with invited comments. When you share, please say, "Don, this is Michael." The instructor will respond by saying, "Yes Michael, go ahead." Then say whatever you'd like. We request that you keep comments as short as possible (to allow others to be included), and that your comments be constructive and positive. Your leader will attempt to keep an interesting pace. These MM meetings are about moving forward with positive skills and discussion--very action centered.
7. Audiotaping is not permitted in our MM meetings. Unless everyone has given permission, it is quite illegal, and it breaches intellectual property rights.
8. Cordless phones and headsets most often work fine for a TeleClass. If you or others hear recurring static, we will need to problem-solve the source.
Being strictly virtual, we will email the bridge number 24 hours prior to the class. Watch for it. This is why we need your e-mail address.