"What is demanded is a change in our imaginative picture of the world."--- Bertrand Russell

MasterMind FAQ Page

What is Tele-Masterminding™?
  • Each Mastermind Group is comprised of six-eight people who meet on a phone bridge for a conference call, four weeks/month, for an hour. Much like hiring a consultant, you are buying into a network of MasterMinds, who co-create ideas with you.
    Where else can you buy ideas?

    Who Benefits from a MMG?
  • The MasterMind process works best for those open to growth and expansion.
  • Those who want to learn. Your learning is enhanced, indeed speeded up, through involvement with creative and caring individuals who are on the cutting edge of change.
  • Those who want to create. The result is that when more than one mind is working together to create a picture of success for all participants, All will move to a higher level of awareness and productivity.
  • Those who want to help. It feels great to be helped and to help others where its really needed. You will create life-long friends in the process, even after your MMG disbands.
  • Those who want to give. Napoleon Hill said it best. "...The MM principle stimulates action of thought, and blends the spiritual qualities of the soul." Give, and you shall receive.

    How do I call in?   Very Easy!    Check this.

    What does it cost to join a MasterMind Group?
  • Depends on what your leader charges, tytpically monthly membership will cost anywhere from $150-$300, payable in advance.

    What if I want to Mastermind individually with my leader?
  • Group facilitators are available to coach you in one-on-one coaching sessions. The fee will vary.

    What are Advanced MasterMind Groups?
  • These synergistic groups are composed of experienced MMG members who have shown exceptional growth and contribution to our regular MM groups, or who have indicated an interest to bond with the very best creative minds. You may apply for an interview with your leader to be accepted into these groups. Cost will vary.

    What do I get for that kind of money?
  • An exceptional first-class group of mentors

    What if I wish to invite a friend to join my mastermind group?
  • Ok, if you first clear it with your group leader. Your friend will probably request a new group after experiencing the power and energy of your group!

  • Take a Tour in Imagination
  • Experience a "mental flash"
  • Get hooked in a "brain series"

    "Come to think of it, its amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it."

    Copyright 1999, 2000 AccessMasterMinds