Access MasterMinds(tm) Creativity Wisdom Encouragement Profits Success

AccessMasterMind provides TopicalSupport Groups for Business, Charity, Church, Civic, and Personal Success

    Welcome to AccessMasterMinds©

    "No form of human exchange is more profitable than the exchange of ideas. If I give you a thought in return for one of your thoughts, each of us will have gained a 100% dividend. "---Napoleon Hill

  • Our mission is to promote the spontaneous generation of ideas through masterminding.
  • Have you run out of ideas? Stuck with no answers? Living in intellectual isolation?
  • Tap into the collective genius of others by joining a MasterMind group, and "Brainstorm" with your peers via "tele-masterminding"™.

    This is the challenge we all face:
    How do we move beyond what we already know, beyond the edge of our circumference of reality, be it spiritual, business or personal reality, to readily adapt to the new millennium?
    How does one process information, make it usable, and create new ideas?

    Tele-Masterminding™ may be your answer.

    If your inventory of ideas is near empty, replenish it in a mastermind group! As Oliver Wendell Holmes said, "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience."

    "Trial and error is OK, but Masterminding is quicker."

    Updated: Oct. 14, 2001
    Created by Don Edberg

    Copyright 1999, 2000 AccessMasterMinds